Online workshop Recording: STA & Respite in the NDIS
| Creative solutions | What can I buy? | Blue sky dreaming | Human rights | Managing supports
| NDIS Fund Management | What can I buy? | News
| Online learning | Event
| Creative solutions | What can I buy? | Blue sky dreaming | Human rights | Managing supports
| NDIS Fund Management | What can I buy? | News
| Online learning | Event

This is recording of a workshop on the rules for NDIS Short Term Accommodation and respite funding. We discussed the rules about how you might use your funding when you or your family member need a short break and when you go on a holiday. We heard from senior NDIA staff, Branch Manager of NDIA Policy Jessica Walker and Branch Manager of Service Guidance and Practice, Clair Wheeler.
On behalf of the Self Manager Hub we want to let everyone know that we are following up with National Disability Insurance Agency staff in relation to the changes that were discussed at the forum.
The changes that were outlined specifying that food and activities can be covered by NDIS funding only in circumstances where the provider is registered is not how we currently understand the policy.
However it appears that based on what was shared with us today, this is the direction that the agency wants to go.
We want to be clear that this is not a direction that we support. We are advocating for a much more flexible and individualised approach as we always do.
Please email ( any feedback, concerns and case studies that you want to share so that we can raise these with the agency and ensure that short breaks, short term accommodation and respite guidelines are flexible and meets the needs of NDIS participants.